How To Rank Google My Business Listings At Scale 4

How To Rank Google My Business Listings at Scale


The software to be used next on the list is Ultimate GMB Maps Blaster (UGMB).

What is Ultimate GMB Maps Blaster (UGMB)?

UGMB is a fantastic software specially designed to rank your GMB and related content in specific locations.


The design of this Maps Blaster software is to rank the GMBs that did not rank using TCALM in Step 2.

Why should one use UGMB?

To boost the rankings of the GMBs that did not rank immediately in the 3-pack, Google Maps and Google organic results.Aside from helping to rank GMBs, it helps to deliver powerful backlinks to your GMB and associated websites and videos.This software requires the least amount of time to prepare and execute as you have all the assets (content, images, keyword phrases, and locations) organized from earlier.

What is one use case in setting up UGMB?

After inputs in “PROFILES”, “Main Settings” (1), “Image/Video Settings” (1a), and “Google Account Options” (2), you’ll move to the two key sections in UGMB: “Keywords” (3), and “Locations” (4).

For the “Keywords” tab, enter your keyword phrases one per line as shown below:

Niche Keyword Phrase 1

Niche Keyword Phrase 2

Niche Keyword Phrase 3

Next, for the “Locations” tab, similar to the above, enter your locations one per line as shown below:

Location 1

Location 2

Location 3

Pro Tip: We recommend inputting your keyword phrases and locations in “Capitalized Case” format, where you capitalize the first letter of each word.

Here are the following steps:

Run UGMB twice over 2 or 3 days with different Google accountsRefresh your rank tracking software to see results.

         a. Additionally, we recommend checking your keyword terms manually in Google and at

         b. My workflow involves one browser window with multiple tabs open. Each browser tab views the results of one keyword phrase. This way, it is easy to refresh each browser tab to check the rankings of each keyword phrase. 

         c. If one keyword phrase and location is not visible on page one of Google, I’ll Google search again using quotes (e.g. “keyword phrase”) to determine where it ranks to instruct myself how competitive this niche is. 9 out of 10 times, it will appear at the top of the results by doing this. If the result is further down on page 1 or 2, the niche is competitive.

TIP: A quote search (“keyword phrase location 1”) instructs Google to provide results for this search term in this exact order.)

I predict that after executing UGMB, your ranking results will be great. 

For competitive niches where ranking results are few, and you want all your keyword phrases to rank, proceed to the following software on the list.

Let’s revisit the “List of Software Used Accordingly”:

[DONE] Live Rank Sniper: Test for “low-hanging fruit” results[DONE] Twitter Citation and Link Monster: Leverage the power of Tweets and Moments to rank GMB for less-competitive niches/locations[DONE] Ultimate GMB Maps Blaster: To boost rankings for the search terms that did not rank with the previous step[NEXT UP] GMB Dominator: To boost rankings for competitive niches and across more locationsEVO III: Leverage YouTube live streams and Google Sites for influential citations to your target GMBs


The software to be used next on the list is GMB DOMINATOR (GDOM).

What is GMB Dominator (GDOM)?

GMB Dominator is a software suite of many features. I won’t list all of its features, but you can discover more about it at GMB Dominator Suite if you’re curious.

Why should one use GDOM?

Using your search terms and locations in this software suite, your GMB listings in competitive niches will begin ranking and across more areas.The software suite utilizes the same assets you’ve prepared so that it will save you time.Upon executing campaigns in GDOM, you will create numerous powerful links directed to your GMB and business website. Several of the assets include YouTube, Twitter,, and, many of which have substantial authority and influence with Google.

What is the process of using GDOM?

Utilize each of the software in the suite once.Refresh your rank tracking software to check results.As we shared previously, perform Google searches manually.In step 2, where you used TCALM to create “Twitter Moments,” this is an excellent opportunity to use GDOM to develop links and power to the “Moments” created earlier.When one uses this software suite in conjunction with each other, the linking opportunities and possibilities are unlimited.

Let’s revisit the “List of Software Used Accordingly”:

[DONE] Live Rank Sniper: Test for “low-hanging fruit” results[DONE] Twitter Citation and Link Monster: Leverage the power of Tweets and Moments to rank GMB for less-competitive niches/locations[DONE] Ultimate GMB Maps Blaster: To boost rankings for the search terms that did not rank with the previous step[DONE]  GMB Dominator: To boost rankings for competitive niches and across more locations[NEXT UP]  EVO III: Leverage YouTube live streams and Google Sites for influential citations to your target GMBs

If you have any GMBs that are not ranking in the 3-pack by this point in the process, it’s time to bring out the big guns. We’re at the final software in the list – EVO III.


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